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  1. Account management and changing password

  2. Activities at Global Evidence Summit Cape Town - Sept 13-16 2017

  3. Activity log and How can I see who has done what, and avoid overwriting their edits?

  4. Adding a RevMan5 file as a reference

  5. Architecture outline and what technologies do MAGICapp use

  6. Big images fail to be added

  7. Can I export all my content, or build my own front end

  8. Comments/feedback feature (internal or public review)

  9. Conflict of interest management dashboard

  10. Data Exchange (html, pdf, xml, json, rdf)

  11. Decision aid outcome editor

  12. Export my summary of findings table to Word, RevMan, JSON (data), or MAGICapp Zip

  13. Exporting and Importing PICOs using a MAGIC zip file

  14. Guideline settings

  15. Hide Outcomes and Recommendations from published guidelines

  16. How can authors get a Word export of PICOs in published guidelines?

  17. How can institutions/organizations start to use the MAGICapp

  18. How do I add a Reference, PICO question or a Recommendation to a section?

  19. How do I add a supplementary file to a guideline (e.g. annex, large image/table)?

  20. How do I add general text under a section?

  21. How do I add users (admins, authors, reviewers, viewers) to a guideline?

  22. How do I add/edit and move references in the reference list?

  23. How do I associate a PICO question with a recommendation?

  24. How do I attach codes to my PICO?

  25. How do I attach EMR elements to a Recommendation

  26. How do I attach study data to my outcome?

  27. How do I auto-calculate absolute effects in dichotomous outcomes?

  28. How do I build my Evidence profile (add outcomes to a PICO)?

  29. How do I build the table of contents: add, edit titles, move, reorder and delete sections/sub-sections?

  30. How do I create a new guideline or evidence summary?

  31. How do I create an account/log in?

  32. How do I delete guidelines?

  33. How do I get information about new features in MAGICapp?

  34. How do I get superscript and symbols in my text

  35. How do I link to content in MAGICapp - guidelines, sections, recommendations, SoF/PICOs (Links and Widgets)

  36. How do I make a PDF version of my guideline (with or without publishing)?

  37. How do I make Evidence profiles/PICOs using RevMan files?

  38. How do I navigate to the recommendations?

  39. How do I reorder Pico questions, Recommendations and References

  40. How do I update my Evidence profiles/PICOs using updated RevMan files?

  41. How do I use the "find evidence" basic literature search under a PICO?

  42. How do we calculate absolute risks in the app?

  43. How I create a word document of my guideline?

  44. How is content organized in the platform?

  45. How to force language on buttons and labels for guideline readers

  46. How to link to evidence profiles - PICO widgets

  47. How to link to recommendations - Recommendation widgets

  48. How to make text bigger

  49. How to rate imprecision

  50. How to rate Inconsistency

  51. How to rate indirectness

  52. How to rate publication bias

  53. How to rate Risk of bias in Observational studies

  54. How to rate Risk of bias in Randomized controlled trials

  55. How to rate the Quality of Evidence (your confidence in the effect estimate)

  56. How to rate up the quality of evidence

  57. I am not able to sign up a new account, and I am in China

  58. I am suddenly getting logged out

  59. I cannot access my guideline, what do I do?

  60. Is there an ontology/terminology to represent PICOs or Summary of findings

  61. Link to external content (websites, pop-ups)

  62. MAGIC is non-profit, why is there a license fee for organizations in MAGICapp

  63. MAGICapp and Open source

  64. MAGICapp Privacy Policy

  65. MAGICapp Support and help options

  66. MAGICapp System Security Summary

  67. MAGICapp Terms of Use

  68. MAGICapp Top 10 Features

  69. MAGICapp's GRADE tooltips

  70. Make a systematic review and upload it as a reference

  71. Mobile and Desktop app: how to get one

  72. My organization is non-profit, do I have to pay anything to get an organization account?

  73. My stuff suddenly disappeared, I am sure I saved it

  74. New release- v11.9 June 2024

  75. Organization control panel (for org administrators)

  76. Our API

  77. Our database model

  78. Our list of features

  79. Perform Training sessions

  80. Publishing versions and making a guideline publicly accessible

  81. RDF & Semantic web: what do we do about that?

  82. Releases before 2017

  83. Safety of your data in MAGICapp

  84. Services to help search and evidence retrival

  85. Something seems wrong, but I don't know what? (incl. how to clear cache)

  86. Standards for Trustworthy guidelines, IOM 2011

  87. Standards from GIN (Guideline International Network)

  88. Startup-guide for Authors: All features

  89. Text editor - add/edit text, hyperlinks, citations, images, and tables

  90. The app seems to be down

  91. The GRADE handbook

  92. The recommendation Evidence to Decision

  93. Tips on start-up

  94. Tool to Assess Risk of Bias in Cohort Studies

  95. Tool to assess Risk of Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials

  96. Track changes and comments feature

  97. Translations and language files

  98. Upcoming features on our roadmap

  99. Upload a PICO using a GDT GRADEpro file

  100. Using Milestones and Checklist in Settings

  101. v10 May 2021

  102. v10.1 and v10.2 Sept 2021

  103. v10.3 November 2021

  104. v10.4 December 2021 - Improved EtD framework, surveys

  105. v10.5, v10.6: Jan-March 2022: Shadow outcomes, subscription

  106. v11 June 2022 - Updated registration, login, and account management (+ note for API users)

  107. v11.1 and v11.2: Nov 2022-Jan 2023 - Updated content page, text editor, RevMan integration, subscription management, and cookies banner

  108. v11.3: 26.April 2023

  109. v11.4: 15. Sept 2023

  110. v11.5 24 November 2023

  111. v11.8 March 2024

  112. v6.7 January 9th 2017

  113. v7.0 April 6th 2017

  114. v7.1 May 4th 2017

  115. v7.3 - July 5th 2017

  116. v7.4 August 15th 2017

  117. v7.5 August 31st 2017

  118. v7.6 November 2017

  119. v7.7 February 21st 2018

  120. v8.0 June 3rd 2018

  121. v8.1 August 26th 2018

  122. v8.2 March 19th 2019

  123. v8.3 May 9th 2019

  124. v8.4 July 20th 2019

  125. v9.0. May 1st 2020

  126. v9.2 Sept 2020

  127. v9.3 October and v9.4 December 2020

  128. Voting and Delphi tool (surveys)

  129. What are decision aids?

  130. What are the ontologies/terminologies the MAGICapp supports to describe content of PICO questions

  131. What can I customize for my guidelines?

  132. What can I do, and not do, with a personal guideline (or evidence summary) compared to a guideline with an organizational ownership

  133. What is a Clinical Trial and what can it tell me?

  134. What is a top layer

  135. What is and how to make a PICO question

  136. What is GRADE

  137. What is linked PICO ?

  138. What should I write in practical info?

  139. What to do with a paper which only reports P-values, without any other data

  140. When to make strong recommendations based upon low or very low confidence in effect estimates

  141. Where does guidelines fit into the big picture

  142. Which ontologies/terminologies are used in the encoding of the EMR elements to be added under Key information

  143. Which steps in the guideline process can MAGICapp help me with

  144. Who are we (MAGIC)?

  145. Who can do what? Access and permission levels: admin, author, reviewers, viewers and the public

  146. Why did we make the MAGIC authoring and publication platform

  147. Why do we export JSON and not XML?

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