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How do I use the "find evidence" basic literature search under a PICO?

A proper literature search should be systematic and thorough. Use a search specialist if you can. There are also services that can do it for you, like Cochrane Rapid responseDoctor Evidence or ECRI institute
We have added some search services to help you explore published systematic reviews and guidelines. It is not meant as a thorough evidence search, just as a feature to explore.

If you find a usable systematic review, you can add it in your reference list using the Pubmed ID, a RIS file or add it manually.

If you need to make your own meta-analysis, we suggest you use a screening and data-extraction tool, like Covidence and Distiller
For meta-analysis you can use a tool like Eppi-reviewer or Revman.
There are also other tools that can help you when you make a systematic review, like Rayyan

When meta-analysis is done, you can import it as a reference.

The basic Literature search

Last Updated: 4 January 2024

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