v8.4 July 20th 2019
See all changes between version, for individual recommendations
You can now get a view that visually shows you all differences between versions of individual guidelines. Text changes are shows, as well as labels that have been changed. Choose a version of your recommendation, or draft, and compare it to a previous version.
Fig 1: Showing where to find this feature, in the recommendation options menu
Fig 2: Showing all changes done between 2 versions
Improving the layout of the 'Against' -strength label, for both the recommendation and key information/EtD.
The labels are now red, not part green/yellow, part red, but 2 shades of fully red. There are 'Harms/negative'- labels added to the key information/ evidence to Decision factors too, to make the color-framework more consistent.
Fig 1: New Against labels for recommendation strength
Fig 2: New Harms/negative labels for Key information/Evidence to Decision factors
Improved layout of the Key information labels
Fig 1: New layout on mobile
Alternative names for Recommendation strength and tabs.
Organizations can now set alternative names for recommendation strength and tabs, while still adhering to the Strong/Weak framework of GRADE. This way organizations can display labels that is more familiar to their readers.
Contact us for more information.
Fig 1 Alternate labels show in the pulldown chooser for Authors
Two new Strength labels
After feedback of a need to label recommendations as public health recommendations, while still following standards for trustworthy guidelines, or clearly state if a recommendation is consensus-based, we added these two labels. To differentiate the labels from the normal GRADE framework, they are placed under the category non-GRADE labels.
Fig 1: Two new Strength labels
The organization filter on the home page is more visible.
After feedback that the Organization filter was hard to find we moved the filter up next to the search input. We hope that will make it easier to find and use.
Fig 1: New position of the Organization filter
Improved Easier upload of PDF cover pages
Fig 1: Choosing setting of cover page size
Other things
- An alert if you try to upload a RevMan file you already have in your reference list
- Last edit and default characters in contact information have been removed from the 'About' information for guidelines, in order to improve the view.
- We have lightly decreased the font size so that more content is visible on smaller screens
- Smaller bug and language fixes