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v11.10, v11.11 August 2024

Update summary

v11.10 - released 2nd August
  1. User survey for admins
  2. Improved automatic re-numbering of references by citation placement (now including PICO summaries)
  3. Bulk delete references
  4. Recommendation zip export/import for admins (like with PICOs)
  5. Filter recommendations by unresolved comments (more filters to come!)
  6. Design optimalization of Evidence to Decision labels
  7. PDF end page
  8. Text editor has new "remove formatting" option
  9. Smaller items and bug fixes*
v11.11 - released 12th August
  1. Version control update - decide which version is the current published version
  2. New "Info and Docs" section to add information and upload documents for internal use
  3. Create a new guideline from a MAGICapp guideline ZIP export
  4. Tighter format of PDF PICO footnotes
  5. Old Word export (for whole guidelines) retired
  6. Smaller items and bug fixes*
*Reported for both versions together

User survey for admins

We'd be grateful for your feedback on our admin user survey to guide our feature modifications and new releases. If you have a few minutes, please write to us!

Automatic re-numbering of references by citation

We now have the option to automatically re-number references based on when its citation appear in the guideline (based on full text PDF). You will find the control in the References tab, under the "Add reference" options menu. 

References in any text boxes (section text, recommendations, and PICO summaries) will be re-numbered. Please note that references linked to recommendations and PICOs (e.g. under "Add evidence" or in the "References" tab) are not included in renumbering. If you have any questions before using this feature, please write to us - the re-numbering cannot be undone.

Depending on your PDF customization, the renumbering of PICOs will either follow the recommendations, or, if your PICOs are in an annex, they'll be numbered last. You will get a dialog alert as a reminder when you select order option.

If PICOs follow Recommendations:
If PICOs are in an appendix:

The first time you use this feature, you may receive an alert that your data needs to be migrated from an old format - please email, this is an easy setting switch on our end that will take only a few minutes to implement. 

Bulk delete references

You can now bulk delete references. In the References tab, select "Delete multiple references at the same time" under "Add references."

You will get a dialog with checkboxes next to all the references, and you can select as many as you want. You can also search for the reference by title, year, or author.

References that are linked to PICOs ("In use") will be marked, and cannot be deleted.

Recommendation zip export/import for admins

Admins can now export recommendations as a zip file, in order to import them to another guideline, like you can with PICOs. This is under "Export" in the "Options" menu of recommendations.

Once you have your zip file, you can select "Add recommendation" and "Import a recommendation from a MAGIC zip file."

Add a PDF end page

Add a PDF end page in addition to cover page under the PDF customization options. The functionality is the same as adding the cover page.

Filter recommendation by unresolved comments

We've introduced a feature to be able to filter recommendations. Right now you can filter by unresolved comments, but we're looking to add more filters in the meantime - you can write to us what filtering options you'd like to see.

When you select the checkbox for filter by unresolved feedback, only the recommendations with unresolved comments in the Recommendation Feedback tab will show, in whatever section they belong to. 

If you have a large guideline, for easier navigation, you can minimize sections or switch to collapsable sections by un-checking the checkbox in the Settings -> Guideline customizations options for "Show first lines of section text."

If you've created tags for your recommendations, you will have the option to filter for those as well.

Design optimization of Evidence to Decision labels 

To improve readability and make the workflow for authors easier, we made a slight shift of placement of the title text and judgment label for each factor. 

Text editor has new "remove formatting" option (for easier copy/pasting from docs)

Sometimes when you paste from documents (PDF, Word) into MAGICapp's text boxes, they have formatting that may or may not be visible while editing, but that are affected when you export your content (PDF, Word). We've added an option in the text editor panel to quickly remove formatting with one button - just highlight the text you want formatting removed from, and select the Tx button.

The formatting will be removed. To note, you can undo this action by clicking the back arrow button to the right of it, or Control/Command + Z.

Version control update - decide which version is the current published version

Admins can now choose which version of the guideline to set as the most current published version. When you publish a guideline, the default will be "Set Current."

In the versions list, there will be a "Most current version" tag, and that version will be highlighted blue. You can change which version number you want as the most current version using the drop down menu. You can also set a version as current using its "Edit" button, which you can click to show the publishing menu options again, and update.

Using the Edit option, the publishing menu will allow you to select "Set Current" by checking the check box, then selecting "Update."

New "Info and Docs" section to add info and upload documents for internal use

Admins now have a section to add information and documents so they are available for the whole author group. It is meant for internal information, and it is not shown to public users.
Use the text field for directives, links, descriptions, or instructions, and upload methods files, guidelines for guidelines, or other important documents you want the authors to have easy access to.

Create a new guideline from a guideline zip export 

Guideline admins can export a guideline zip and this can be used to create a new guideline for you by MAGICapp's App Admins - contact and we can do this for you.
This can be used by technical personnel that needs to move content to a test server, to share with other groups, or to have a fallback if things go wrong with your guideline process. 

The new guideline will appear in the guideline list with the prefix "IMPORT OF," similar to how creating guideline copies results in the same guideline and "COPY OF." Similar to guideline copies, the imported guideline will appear as a new publication, without version or editing history. 

Please note: You can only get a zip export of a guideline as a snapshot of what your guideline looked like at the time of export. If you want the option to "restore" a previous guideline version (though without version or editing history), you can download a zip and keep it for your records. 

Tighter format of PDF PICO footnotes 

PICO footnotes in the PDF are now grouped if they are identical, and some repetitive labels are removed. 

Word export for full guidelines retired 

Our current word export had performance and design issues and we had to retire it. You can still create Word documents, but now it is done via a third party app converting the PDF, so that the same design applies. If you experience issues with the new approach, please contact

Please note: You can still export Recommendations and PICOs as Word documents. 

Highlight from our last release

Use our "Feedback" button to suggest new features and fixes!

Help videos

Check out tutorial videos on our YouTube channel! We recently uploaded a long tutorial that is an overview of the whole platform (~55 minutes, with labelled chapters for navigation) - great for new users and those wanting a refresher. We also have brief videos about specific features. Stay tuned for more tutorial videos and webinars!

Smaller items and bug fixes

  • Easier to copy/paste of text from activity log
  • Text input in voting questions can now have formatting
  • Export options in guideline settings menu are grouped into a sub-menu under Settings
  • PDFs exported with "./d." symbol at the end of subsections, that has been resolved
  • After publishing section numbers would not show until you moved a section

Feedback and Knowledge Base