Safety of your data in MAGICapp
MAGICapp Terms of Use
How do I attach study data to my outcome?
Data Exchange (html, pdf, xml, json, rdf)
MAGICapp Privacy Policy
Export my summary of findings table to Word, RevMan, JSON (data), or MAGICapp Zip
How do I use the "find evidence" basic literature search under a PICO?
What to do with a paper which only reports P-values, without any other data
How to rate up the quality of evidence
MAGICapp System Security Summary
What is linked PICO ?
Where does guidelines fit into the big picture
Why do we export JSON and not XML?
Our database model
Adding a RevMan5 file as a reference
RDF & Semantic web: what do we do about that?
Something seems wrong, but I don't know what? (incl. how to clear cache)
Tool to assess Risk of Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials
How do I update my Evidence profiles/PICOs using updated RevMan files?