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Our database model

Our database model is made through work partly done within the Evicare Research project PLUGGED-IN, a PhD project funded by the Norwegian Research council and Inland hospital Trust in Norway, through the VERDIKT program. 
The datamodel is available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The best way to obtain details of available data and how it's linked, is to view documentation on our API page:
If you have further questions, you can also email Linn Brandt:

The general model of the data in MAGICapp is visualized below. 
The data model is flexible, to allow individual pieces of data to be exported, or relations to be exposed.
Most information items can be referenced/linked to/exported individually, and all have a full audit trail.
Guidelines, Sections and Recommendations can be be linked to individually: info on linking
PICOs (and soon recommmendations, expected june 2018) can be used as widgets: info on widgets

Some key one-to-many relationships:
- An outcome can only belong to one PICO (but PICOs can have many outcomes)
- A recommendation can only belong to one chapter/section (but sections can have many recommendations)
- A chapter/section can only belong to one guideline (but a guideline can have many chapters/sections)

Some key many-to-many relationships:
- A reference can be related to any number of outcomes, PICOs, recommendations or as citations in text
- A PICO can be related to any number of recommendations

Our database model is in constant change and expansion, so we suggest you look at our API instead, as that will reflect the current state of data and relationships:

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